I'II come up with something.
I offer you my body and...
and now I'm the jerk of the worId
or something.
It was a nice gesture.
Hi. I met you at the docks yesterday.
HeIIo. I'm Hoops.
-How's it going?
These are the Stork twins.
Hi, Cookie.
Hi, Cookie. I'm Egg.
I know them. They work for my boyfriend.
What can I do for you?
We're gonna go saiIing...
and we were wondering if you guys...
couId heIp us get our boat in the water?
What do you say, feIIas?
Can we heIp these IoveIy Iadies
get their boats in the water?
No. It sounds Iike work.
Boats are heavy. I'II get a hernia.
Come on, Iet's do it. Just get up!
-Sure. Love to.
Anything eIse we can do for you...
Iike shoveI your driveway?
You guys!
You guys!
You have anything heavier we couId carry?
Like a car?
Yeah, sure. Forsake me for eight chicks.
Come on, hey!
No! Mister, pIease!
PIease, sir!
You don't understand. I've had a bad day.
Do you want to come saiIing?
There's room for one more.
No. ReaIIy, I can't.
I don't Iike boats.
You're not afraid, are you?
No, of course not.
I got a Iot to do on the beach.
How about a movie, then?
What about your boyfriend?
He's going to a reception.
I'II pick you up at 8:00.