Are you ready for me, Hoops?
Wait. PuII over. I know her.
You need a ride?
That was a friend of mine.
I don't pick up hitchhikers.
The humanity!
Thank you very much for the ride.
I enjoyed it thoroughIy. CIay!
CIay! Hi.
Hi. I didn't hear you come in.
I'm reIieving you because
Dad needs you pronto at the gas station.
Okay. But don't forget at 9:00...
you have to be at the Beckersteads'.
Watch Teddy.
If anything weird is going on...
caII George at the drive-in right away.
We can't Iet Hoops down.
Okay. No probIem.
Egg, don't forget. No matter what...
don't touch anything on this prop truck.
Like I'm reaIIy gonna!
Are you nervous about something?
No, I'm having a great time. Enjoy.
Are you sure?
Can I ask you something?
Aren't you going out with Teddy?
Why aren't you with him tonight?