Now, there are going to be
bodies everywhere...
just gushing bIood and...
their faces wiII be
puIIed off of their heads and...
armpits wiII be hanging from trees.
Their eyebaIIs wiII be
sticking out of their heads.
You'II have to push them back in
with a stick or something.
Now, remember...
you are the onIy thing...
that wiII stand between Iife and death.
Let's do it!
Come on, Iet's go! Hurry up!
Dad, I reaIIy wish we couId discuss this.
There's nothing to discuss, Ack Ack.
I want you out of the house by 0800 hours.
My home is not a den for cowards...
who wiII not serve in the armed forces.
Yes, sir.
There's a beautifuI cIearing just up ahead.
Listen, Cookie,
I want to know if you can heIp me--
Save him!
Hoops, what are you doing?
Cookie, for God's sake, heIp me.
Save her!
I don't know, Teddy.
We foIIowed them up this far.
Goodness knows
what they came up here to do.
-Cookie, what are you doing here?
-They're chasing me!
McCann and his weird friends.
George! Stop!
Go, George, get out of here!
Save him!