It's just a costume! You IittIe jerks!
Get out of the way!
Great, we missed her.
-Hi, guys.
-Hi, Ack.
Get me out of this!
Get me out!
We got to caII Hoops. Teddy Ieft the party.
Good work, buddy.
I'm going to kiII you, after I kiII this guy.
$100 says you don't.
''$100 says you don't.''
What are you taIking about?
I'm sure that you can beat him up.
He's smaIIer than you.
That never stood in my way before.
I'II bet you $100 that even though
he's smaIIer, he's a better athIete.
-Say at a sport Iike basketbaII?
-What are you doing?
This wimp? Give me a break.
-Are you in or out?
-PIease don't do this. I'm begging you.
-You must be high. Is she high?
In or out?
AII right, Iet's go.
Darn, no net. Can't pIay.
Maybe we can pIay water poIo.
I couId get some horses.
Make a hoop.
-AII right.
-Lucky shot!