Weather for the Cape and the islands...
looks like we can expect some rain,
but nothing to worry about.
Nantucket's big news tonight
is Cassandra live at the Dew Drop lnn.
Come on, come on.
Good luck to her...
and good luck to you
in our $1 million summer.
lt could happen at any minute.
-You could win $1 million.
-Come on, come on.
Stand stiII, Teddy.
Dad, I got to do my Iaps.
I have not yet mastered this contraption.
When I have,
then you may continue your Iaps.
Damn it.
Do you know who this is?
-That is troubIe.
That is the girI that just might ruin
my restaurant on the bIuff.
She's singing or something
tomorrow night.
If peopIe do actuaIIy show up to hear her...
she might make some money.
She might make enough
to pay back the bank.
What are we going to do about it?
Stop her from singing?
Good, Teddy. Good.
Get it.
We're here to pick up your father's Jag.
He caIIed us. We wiII need the keys.
-Get rid of this.