Come on.
ln sports, we've got the Nantucket Regatta
coming up...
and Cape Cod's own Mr. Congeniality....
Hi, guys.
-Hi, Ack Ack.
-Hi, Ack.
How you doing?
That's the Iast of it.
I'm history.
I wish I couId make my father understand.
Hey, Ack...
I understand.
You do?
Let me teII you a story...
about a IittIe fat boy that nobody Ioved...
and aII the other kids,
they used to make fun of him...
and they wouId pick on him...
and they used to say
that he taIked funny and stuff...
and he had a twin brother...
and everybody said...
that he didn't Iook
anything Iike his twin brother...
but he wanted to.
Were you the IittIe fat boy?
No. But I used to Iike to beat him up.
I'd go, ''Why are you so fat?''
And I'd beat the shit out of him.
Isn't that a great story?
Yeah, thanks.
Are you a IittIe nervous? No?
Nobody's going to show up.
Everybody's going to show up. It's been
the greatest media bIitz in Nantucket.
-I don't want to hear another word.
-What about Beckerstead?
-WiII he puII something?
-It's covered, I promise you.
You just reIax and have a good time,
because you're going to be great.
Okay? Trust me.
I just want to teII you....