I mean, how do you think
that makes me feel?
I have certain unresolved feelings
about your father.
I don't trust him.
-And I hate those commercials.
-All right, forget it.
We don't have time
for another heart-to-heart.
Come on. You have to get dressed.
-I want you to understand it's insulting...
-Watch your hair.
...for him to go from me to that bimbo.
Do you think he really loves Janet?
Maybe he's just smashed
too many fortune cookies!
Mom, give me a break!
He's missing the reunion because of you.
You know he's dying to go.
At least we won't both have
a miserable time.
Let me see.
What do you think?
You are a very hip chick!
God, you look like you've stepped
right out of Life magazine!
I don't know.
What if nobody else there
is dressed like this?
-I don't think I wanna go.
Everybody's just gonna say,
"Well, hey, where's Crazy Charlie?"
Lots of people are separated and divorced.
Not from the guy
with the lowest prices in town.
I feel ridiculous in this dress!
I'd like to change.
Why are you so nervous?
What's the matter?
Reunions do funny things
to people at this age.
-Hi, Peggy Sue! Beth!
Hi, Maddy.
How are you?
You two look
just like that soap commercial.
-"Which one's the mother?"
-"And which one's the daughter?"
You took this seriously.
You're a real blast from the past!
It was Beth's idea.
I wish I had the nerve. And the figure.
-Hi! Peggy Sue Bodell?
-All right.
Beth's boyfriend is with the band.
-Must run in the family.
-What does?
You and your mother.
You both seem to fall for musicians.