...and decided on two people
who best represent the spirit...
...of Buchanan High's Class of '60I
What are you doing?
The king is someone who,
in more ways than one...
...has come a long way since he left here...
...and we are especially proud
to welcome him back.
Richard Norvikl
Come on up here, King Richardl
I demand a recount!
That's gotta be Getzl
First you gotta learn how to count.
Hold me back!
Well, I just want to say thank you.
Sharon and I feel real welcome.
We're having a great time.
Boy, our high school
looks really good from up here.
And I just wanna say, it's good to be back.
Thanks a lot.
-Now, every king deserves a queen.
-Over here!
Not you, Getzl
Life of the partyl
But when we sent out the invitations...
...we didn't mention anything about
this being a costume party...
...and perhaps we should've...
...because just looking at her
brings it all backl
Ladies and gentlemen,
I give you our queen...
...Peggy Sue Kelcher Bodelll
Come on up here, Peggy Suel
I can't. I can't do it.
Yes, you can.
Go on, you can do it. Go on.
You can do it.