Peggy Sue Got Married

I also want to suck your Twinkie!
-Am I dead?
-No. You are the undead.

Let's have it. You hate them, anyway.
Young man! You stop that!
Hey, I just made a deposit in your bank.
Now I want to make a withdrawal.

I think it's time for your next class.
-Go on! All of you!
-I'm a little worried about the side effects.

Now, you lie back down.
What am I doing here?
You passed out for a minute, that's all.
Nothing to worry about.

-But how did I get here?
-Why don't you let your friends help you?

Take her into the washroom
and splash some cold water on her face...

-...and that should perk her up.
-Yes, ma'am.

How are you doing?
Blood drive? 1960?
Wanna smoke?
No, Carol. That's the worst thing for her.
I gave them up years ago.
-Where is it?
-Where's what?

Maddy, what did you do to your hair?
I'm taking you back to the nurse.
-Delores, why aren't you giving blood?
-I can't. I'm too anaemic.

Maybe you should drink
some of that nail polish.

It might give you strength.
Why don't you come back
and show me how?

We're going to take you home now.
That's okay.
I'm sure I can remember the way.

Steady now.
People get weak when they give blood.
