Peggy Sue!
Peggy Sue, come here.
Peggy Sue.
Did you study for the test?
-Test? There's a test?
All right, class. Time's up.
And what's the meaning of this,
Peggy Sue?
Mr. Snelgrove...
...I happen to know that in the future
I will have no use for algebra.
And I speak from experience.
-Who said that?
-I'm sorry.
Sit down!
The result of his struggle is
that Santiago comes back with honour.
Santiago comes back with nothing!
There's no meat on the bone.
It's Hemingway's ego
trying to defend itself again.
Trying to prove he can still perform.
What Hemingway's saying, Michael,
is that we are alone.
That when we go out too far,
we're vulnerable.