I read about your invention in a magazine.
I know a lot of things
that are gonna happen.
There's gonna be test-tube babies
and heart transplants.
An American...
...named Neil Armstrong
will be the first man to walk on the moon.
July 20, 1969.
That's six years ahead of schedule.
I would be very careful about this
if I were you.
What if you fall into the hands
of some madman...
-...with plans to manipulate your brain?
-Well, that's why I was getting a divorce.
You know what I really think happened?
I think I had a heart attack
at the reunion and died.
-You look great for a corpse.
-I'm serious.
-You're giving me the creeps.
-Well, am I dead or not?
There's one way to find out.
-Give me this.
-What are you doing?
Confucians say, "If you want a way out,
go through a door."
There's a fire truck.
If you're dead, it'll pass right through you.
Now just stay there. You're dead.
Young lady!
No, I don't wanna die!
It's all right.
-Are you all right?
I had it made into a cocktail ring, though.
This is good.
Well, there's not a whole heck
of a lot here.
-Very nice pieces.
-So, thank you.
I'll take them to the shop
and have the appraisal ready next week.
-Good day, Mrs. Kelcher.
-Who was that man?
-That was nobody, Peggy.
I'm voting for the Democrats this year.
You know how your father feels
about Democrats.
That was a polltaker.
I wouldn't mention it, if I were you.
How was school today, darling?
It was nice to see everybody again.
I don't know.
Everything they teach is so useless.
And the lunch! God, that was the worst!