Go get her, tiger.
Get the door, Jack!
Just a moment!
Hello, Charlie.
-Hello, Mr. Kelcher.
-Come on in.
-How are things at the hat store?
-Very good.
Charlie, could I have a word with you?
-Something wrong, sir?
-No, not a thing.
I'd just like to talk to you.
Hi, Mrs. Kelcher!
-How do you do today?
-You look wonderful. Snap, crackle, pop.
-They're delicious.
Sit down, Charlie.
That sounded really great, Nancy.
Charlie, you may have noticed that...
...Peggy Sue has been acting
a little bit strange lately?
-She's distorted!
Nancy, please.
She seems to be
a little bit nervous and confused.
Over-emotional and even a little bit
irresponsible at times.
Of course, her mother says,
"That's the way girls act sometimes."
She's almost a juvenile delinquent.
"Why, I oughta..."
Oh, God!
Yes, sir, but I think that's what I like
about Peggy, Mr. Kelcher.
She's not like all the other girls at school.
Charlie, in spite of your adolescent
infatuation with music...
...we've always regarded you
as a very fine young man.
-Thank you, sir.
-And we've trusted you with our daughter.
Well, trust is a two-way street.
In the past two years...
...l've been pleased to note
that you and Mrs. Kelcher...
...have provided your sacred trust
with upbringing the woman...
...that I plan to take off your hands.