Peggy Sue Got Married

This is great reefer.
It must belong to Beth.
I found it in my dress. It's really old.
It travels well.
Well, the world sure looks better up here.
The world is fantastic.
It's the ultimate absurd circus.
And I am shot from a cannon
into the energy.

What are you shooting for?
Maximum intensity.
I'm going to get out of here.
I'm going to write.

I'm checking out of this bourgeois motel.
Push myself away from the dinner table
and say:

"No more Jell-O for me, Mom!"
Don't you get along with your parents?
All my father digs is money.
All my mother cares about
is her standing at the country club.

Come on! They care about you.
-They're just a different generation.
-What's with you?

I thought you were cool.
You rode my bike. You blew some pot.
What's your scene, Miss Majorette?
You going to marry Mr. Blue lmpala...
...and graze around with the other sheep
for the rest of your life?

No. I already did that.
I want to be a dancer.
That's what I want to do.
I'm going to dance and dance.
