What you been smoking, Junior?
I hope you don't get that laundry gig.
I hope manny get it,
cos your ass need to hump,
hump and hump!
Hey, white boy... what you waiting for?
That hole ain't gonna dig itself.
Come on, get your dick-skin on that thing!
Dig! You ain't got all day! Dig! Dig!
Somebody once wrote:
"Hell is the impossibility ofreason".
That's what this place feels like - hell.
I hate it already and it's only been a week.
Some goddamn week, Grandma.
The hardest thing l1ve ever done is
go on point. Three times this week.
I don't know what l1m doing.
A gook could be three feet in front ofme
and I wouldn't know it.
I'm so tired.
We get up at 5am,
hump all day,
camp around four or five,
dig a foxhole, eat,
then put out an all-night ambush
or a three-man listening post.
It's scary cos nobody tells me
how to do anything, cos I'm new.
Nobody cares about new guys.
They don't even wanna know your name.
A new guy's life isn't worth as much
cos he hasn't put his time in yet.
They say ifyou're gonna get killed
in the Nam,
it's better to get it in the first few weeks.
The logic being
you don't suffer that much.
If you're lucky,
you stay in the perimeter at night.
Then you pull a three-hour guard shift.
Maybe you sleep three, four hours
a night... But you don't really sleep.
I don't think I can keep this up
for a year, Grandma.
I think I've made a big mistake
coming here.