Uh-uh. You got the fresh meat, buddy.
They don't know shit, and chances are
we're gonna run into something.
That's just great, Bob.
What do you want me to do?
Send one of my guys to get zapped, so
some lame-ass can get his beauty sleep?
- Nah!
- Hey, O'Neill...
Take a break! You don't have to
be a prick every day of your life!
Elias, get your men ready.
He's in three years and thinks
he's Jesus fucking Christ!
O'Neill, your short-timers stay in,
but you go out. I need veterans out there.
Sergeant Barnes.
I think, in front of the men,
it's necessary for me to give the orders.
Yes, sir.
Shit, looks like it's gonna rain.
It's gonna piss on us all night.
I'm gonna put a serious case of crotch-rot
on that ugly face of yours, Junior.
Goddamn, man! You break your ass for
the white man! No justice around here!
What's O'Neill got?
A nose up the lieutenant's ass already?
How come
we always get fucking ambush?
Cos it's politics, man, politics.
Hey, Chris, I show you a picture
of Lucy Jean?
No, you didn't.
She's the one for me all right,
that Lucy Jean.
- She's waiting for me.
- Real pretty. You're a lucky guy, Gardner.
- Hey, you got a picture of your girl?
- No.
I guess that leaves some unlucky girl
back at home, don't it?