Takira leak?
He's in here? Perfect!
If any more guys duck down that alley,
we're gonna start sellir tickets.
- Where'd he go?
- This way.
Come on, come on!
Come on!
[Siren Wailing]
Forget it!
- Hurry up!
- Wait up!
- Any trouble?
- Oh, nothing special.
- All these alleys probably have rats.
- You got some I.D.?
Saw those three guys
leave the hotel after ya.
Anything particular
or, uh, just a mugging?
They had trouble telling me
what they wanted.
Yeah, I'll bet.
Joseph P. Brenner.
What's the "P" stand for?
See ya around.
Harry, everything is
moving along fine.
The apartment is okay.
I'm renting a car tomorrow.