- [Man] Come on. Let's keep moving.
- [People Clamoring]
Come on, come on, come on!
Let's go!
Let's go! Let's go, let's go,
let's go, let's go, let's go!
[Clamoring Continues]
- Watch out! Watch where you're going!
- [Indistinct Shouting]
- Come on! Come on!
- Let's go, let's go, let's go,
let's go, let's go, let's go!
It's right down here.
- [Indistinct Chatter]
- Torch!
Come on.!
You see him?
Take him when he's clear.
Shit.! No way.
Where the fuck did all
those people come from?
Maybe they play bingo.
Do you own a calendar, Max?
I bet it's a Jewish holiday.
Yeah, well, for his sake,
it better be the Day of Atonement.
We'll follow him
and take him when we can.
- [Indistinct Chatter]
- [Helicopter Blades Whirring]
All right. That's it.
He's ready. Outta here.
We're set.
- [People Screaming, Clamoring]
- Oh, shit.
That's good.
- [Coughing]
- Guys, we're on the clock.
[Coughing Continues]
- Come on.
- Here, fill this one.