
- What is this? A tranquillizer?
- A permanent one: cyanide.

- l'm not taking that shit.
- You're gonna be sorry...

..when they cut off your balls
and stuff one in each ear.

You're so fuckin' dramatic, man. Jesus!
(Doc ) Who are these clowns?
- What the fuck...?
- (BoyIe) Traffic accident.

Jesus, Boyle!
- (Doc ) Oh, God, man!
- Would you relax? lt's just some guy.

(BoyIe) Shit. HoIa, amigo. ? Como va?
The road to Santa Ana is closed.
l understand, but Colonel Figueroa
told me to give a present to you boys.

Because the road's closed.
They're journalists.
(BoyIe) No.
No. Get out of the car.
Si, si, si, senor.
Whatever you do, Doc, whatever you do,
OK, don't get on the ground.

Jesus Christ. This is fuckin' scary.
- ? Que trae?
- No trae nada.

You! What's going on?
- They're journalists.
- Bring them to me.

Yo estoy...
- ls it OK?
- Leave it.

l'm a friend of Colonel Figueroa...
l wrote an article.
- Friends of Figueroa's.
- l'm a friend of Figueroa's.

Take them.
ls that bad?
Let's go.
He's a friend of Figueroa's. l was...
Shut up!
