Paren aqui. No se muevan.
No dejen que estos se muevan tampoco.
(Doc ) What's goin' on here, man?
- l think they're checking ceduIas.
- What's a ceduIa?
Birth certificates, voting papers. lf you
don't have a ceduIa, you're in deep shit.
- Teniente.
- Sargento.
Vengan aca.
Quiero que busques Ios hombres
y Ios metes en aqueI camion de aqui.
Doc, put your hands on your head.
? Que pasa aqui?
We've stopped a truckload
of suspicious campesinos.
- ? Tienen armas?
- No tengo armas.
He's probably a student.
That's the worst thing you can be.
- Where are your papers?
- At home. l can take you there. Please.
Let's go. Fast.
Te pregunto que si tienes armas.
Look, l'm a friend of Colonel Figueroa's.
Where the fuck are they takin' us?
l should've never have bailed you out.
- Who are your friends?
- Communists.
Take off your glasses.
Holy shit! They're gonna
fuckin' kill us now, Boyle.
Goddamnit! l thought you knew your way
around here. They're gonna fuckin' kill us!
- They're gonna fuckin' kill us!
- Stop it! Shut the fuck up! Just be cool!