They're shootin' at us.
- Why don't you try Angola?
- There's no nightlife.
l can get you out with Figueroa, John.
l got carte blanche with his elite unit.
- You still got the deathmobile.
- Come on, Boyle.
Wanna go out on a little dawn patrol?
Or are you too big
of a media star these days?
Let's go.
You haven't looked through a lens
in a while, have you, Rich?
Come on, take some pictures.
There's fresh bodies up there.
John, have you got a 24
or a 28 l could use?
You know what made photographers
like Robert Capa great, Rich?
They weren't after money.
They captured the nobility
of human suffering.
That was a great shot in Spain.
The one flying through the air.
Yeah, but it was
more than the bodies, Richie.
He got... why they died.
That's what Capa caught.
He caught that moment of death.
You're right up there with him, John.
You're in his league. You're the best.
You gotta get close, Rich, to get the truth.
You get too close, you die.