l thought it was ''slippery when wet''.
This article and you, Pauline, are 100
per cent and unequivocally full of shit.
Look who's talking!
You and your friend are so full of shit.
- l resent you, of all people...
- l resent what we saw in Santa Ana.
What was that?
A kid shot in the head and hung from
a tank because he didn't have his ceduIa.
- Know what a ceduIa is?
- Yeah.
lf you're gonna analyse the situation,
analyse it right.
You don't have a ceduIa
on election day stamped, you're dead.
Democracy. What kind of democracy is it
when you have to vote...
..and if you don't vote
you're branded a Commie subversivo?
People would vote for Donald Duck
or whoever the local cop tells them to,...
..because if they don't,
this is what happens.
You're a real fuckin' pro. That's why you
can't last two weeks with the network.
Yuppies. Do a standup from the Camino
Real and think they got the whole story.
''My Two Weeks in El Salvador''
by Pauline Axelrod.
''Whoring and Drinking My Way
Through El Salvador'' by Richard Boyle.
Blow-job queen of New York.
Executive suites wall-to-wall.
No wonder you get
your glamour puss on the networks.
Excuse me.
- Look, Pauline...
- Fuck off!
Just be a sport, will ya? l'm an asshole.
l'm an asshole, all right?
Well, you don't have to worry about her.
She's gonna boil down
real good on that roof.
l put 500 mikes of acid in her drink.
- Are you serious?
- Yeah.
With Ronald Reagan
sweeping the elections...
..here at the Camino Real Hotel...
RonaId Reagan
has been eIected president.
Finally we have someone
in the White House with balls.