- Are you willing to change for her?
- For her, yes.
l mean, not just... l would...
lf God gave me this woman,...
..then there must be a God.
So, if he knows what's right,
then l would do what's right by him.
Just repent. Change your ways.
That's gonna be a little tough.
You love this woman,
you will be willing to change.
OK. l can still drink and take a few hits
of a joint once in a while? That's OK?
Twelve Our Fathers, ten Hail Marys,
an act of contrition.
That's it?
Ask the Lord for forgiveness,...
..from your heart.
From my heart?
lf l'd known this, l would have
come earlier, before 33 years.
- You should have come earlier.
- l'll come back.
Next time, don't wait so long.
The governing junta has good intentions
with their promises of land reform...
..and their desire to control the so-called
paramilitary forces in the army.
But, sadly, it is a failure...
..because the power
within the junta is the army,...
..and the army itself is an
obstacle to the reign of God.
They know only
how to repress the people...
..and defend the interests
of the rich oligarchy.
Es verdad. Tiene toda Ia razon.
l have called upon
the United States, repeatedly,...
..to stop military aid to this army...
..until it satisfactorily resolves
the problems of the Disappeared...
..and submits itself to civilian control.
When a dictatorship seriously
violates human rights...
..and attacks the common good
of the nation...
When it becomes unbearable and
closes all channels of dialogue...
When this happens, the Church speaks...
..for the rights of the victims
of the violence!