This is Earth, where
we are now.
You are here.
- Oregon.
- Oregon.
Home of the beaver,
famous for cherries.
Cherries. Input.
I'm giving you
great input.
More input.
More input.
How about pictures?
Do you like pictures?
We have a lot
of pictures here.
A lot of them.
This is a picture
of an aardvark.
See that? It's an aardvark.
- It's a mammal.
- Input. Aardvark.
- Abyssinia, Adams...
- Holy Crowl. You can read.
- More input.
- Okay, no problem.
Volume two.
No problem.
- My neck.
- Sorry.
This is very healthy
for the neck.
Can you believe it's been
5 years since I've driven?
I'd say ten.
It's all coming
back to me, though.
You know what many people
are liking at night?
- What?
- Headlights.
- It's a lot better. Thanks.
- Don't mention it.
More input, Stephanie.
- More!
- There isn't anymore.
You've read everything
in the house.
Mammal, skunk.
That's a container
drinking glass.
Pasta, semolina,
Look, this may be hilarious
where you come from...
but here it's considered rude.
Ferns, fruits, oranges...
apples, lemons, limes.