Something Wild

Charlie, what's wrong?
I'll tell you what's wrong. Company
plastic. Valid company credit cards.

They were in my wallet.
It was in my jacket. It's gone.

My MCI number, my access card
to get me into my own building!

I mean, God knows who's got them!
My Christmas Club voucher... Oh, crap!

- If I don't get it back, you know what?
- What?

I'm fucked!
Charlie, I got it.
I got your wallet.
You got my wallet?
It fell out of your jacket and I picked it up.
- Why didn't you tell me?
- I'm telling you now.

It's in the glove compartment.
Lulu, look. Uh...
God, you're a great girl. You got
a few problems, but you're a great girl.

And you're loaded with potential.
But you're too much for me.

I can't handle this.
Let me get my wallet and I'll catch a bus
and go back to my boring, very safe life.

While I've still got one.
Charlie, I'm sorry. I didn't think
it was that important. I'm sorry.

You believe me, don't you?
Yeah, yeah, course I do.
Tomorrow you're gonna wake up,
you're still gonna be Charlie Driggs.

And this'll all be over and done with.
So why don't we enjoy it while we can.
And then tomorrow, no more Lulu.
Unless you really wanna go.
Then go.
(sings in Spanish)
