You guys been watching
"The Mickey Mouse Club" lately?
I think Annette's tits are getting bigger.
- You think so?
- I think so.
I think he's right.
I've been noticing that the A and the E
are starting to bend around the sides.
Annette's tits are great.
This is a really good time.
The most.
A blast.
Vern didn't just mean being off limits
inside the junkyard...
... or fudging on our folks...
... or going on a hike up the tracks
to Harlow. He meant those things, but...
... it seems to me now it was more
and that we all knew it.
Everything was there and around us.
We knew exactly who we were
and exactly where we were going.
It was grand.
Great, spit at the fat kid. Real good.
What time is it?
It's a quarter after one.
You'd better go get the food.
Junkyard opens at 3:00.
Chopper'll be here.
Sic balls.
You go. You can pick us up
on the way back.
I'm not going alone. We should all go.
- I'm staying right here.
- I'm not going.
Girls, cool it. We'll flip for it.
Odd man goes.
That's you, Gordie, odd as a cod.
Flip or eat lead.
Four tails.
Jesus, man, that's a goocher.
- That doesn't mean anything.
- No, let's go again.
That's really bad.
Remember Clint Bracken and those guys
got wiped out on Weed Hill in Durham?
He said they flipped for beers
and they came up with a goocher...
...just before they got in the car.
And, bang! They all got totalled.
I don't like this. Sincerely.
Nobody believes that crap
about moons and goochers.
It's baby stuff. Now come on, flip again.