Stand by Me

What is it, Chris?
Maybe it's coyotes.
Sounds like a woman screaming.
It's not coyotes. It's his ghost.
Don't say that.
Teddy, sit down.
I'm gonna go look for it.
I want to see the ghost.

Don't say that.
I just want to see it!
I just want to see what he looks like.

Jesus H. Bald-headed Christ!
Maybe we should stand guard.
That's a good idea.
Give me the gun. I'll take the first watch.
23:00 hours.
Corporal Teddy Duchamp stands guard.

No sign of the enemy. The fort is secure.
Shut up, Teddy, and keep your eyes peeled.
- Cut it out.
- I'm trying to sleep.

The dogfaces rested easy...
:51:19 the knowledge that
Corporal Teddy Duchamp...

...was protecting all that was dear to them.
