Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

- I saw no future.
- Only his body was in death, Kirk.

Bring him to us. And bring that
which he gave you, his living spirit.

If there's even a chance
that Spock has an eternal soul,

that's my responsibility.
Give me back the Enterprise.

Out of the question, my friend!
- The word, sir?
- The word...

:01:21 no. I am therefore
going anyway.

Sir! Someone is stealing
the Enterprise.

All stations Yellow Alert.
Commander Starfleet
on emergency channel.

He orders you
to surrender this vessel.

- No reply, Chekov.
- One minute to space doors.

Kirk! If you do this, you'll never
sit in the Captain's chair again.

- Warp speed.
- Warp speed...

Best speed to Genesis.
Unfortunately we were not
the first to arrive.

Klingon bird of prey, sir.
She's arming torpedoes.

Your presence here is an act of war.
Quickly overpowered, we had
to allow the Klingons aboard.

The only way to defeat them
was to destroy the Enterprise.

- The ship appears to be deserted.
- They're hiding!

Leaving our ship for the last time,
we fled to Genesis.

- Five.
- Get off!

- What have I done?
- What you had to do.

Just as the planet began to self-
destruct, we found Spock, alive.

His body had been regenerated,
but his mind was a blank.

Escaping Genesis, we used
the captured Klingon vessel

to transport us to Vulcan,
where a mysterious ceremony

was performed by Spock's people,
in an attempt to restore his memory.

You came back for me?
You would have done
the same for me.

Why would you do this?
