Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

To hunt a species to extinction
is not logical.

Whoever said the human race
was logical?

If you'll follow me, I'll introduce you
to the institute's pride and joy.

This is the largest
seawater tank in the world.

It contains the only
two humpback whales in captivity.

They are mature humpbacks
weighing 45,000 pounds each.

They wandered into San Francisco Bay
as calves and were brought here.

We call them George and Gracie.
It's perfect.
A male and female in a tank.

We can beam them up together.
Beautiful, aren't they?
And extremely intelligent.

If you'll follow me, please.
Despite all they're teaching us,
we have to return them to the open sea.

We simply don't have enough money
to feed them two tons of shrimp a day.

- How soon?
- Soon.

It's too bad, because
they're really quite friendly.

I've grown quite attached to them.
Now here's a much better way to see
George and Gracie. Underwater.
