The Color of Money

I wonder
what's upstairs.

Well, there might
be something soft...

for you
to lean against...

so I don't
crush your skirt.

In the Bahamas,
do they tango or rumba?

Samba, I think.
How's that Old Mcdonnell
working out?

You're drinking
it now.

You're serious.
- It's good stuff.
- It's very good stuff.

Yo, Eddie,
my man, hey.

Why don't you
look in the mirror...

before you leave
the john?

I hate that shit.
Better than
that shit.

Will you be
around Monday?

A guy's set up
in Camden.

No. I'll be out of
town for a few weeks.

What, you're taking that guy
on the road? What's his name?

It's none
of your business.

He's a chump.
He beat me one night.

I'll put the 9-ball
up both your asses.

Are you serious?
Taking him on the road?

When's the last time
you did the road, 1960?

They didn't even
have cars then.

What? Come on?
You bangin' his girlfriend?

Right? You can tell me.
Jeez, you are
the best, Julian.

Let me play him

Winner gets
in the car with you.

You're the best.
You're not the only
stake horse around.

See you
in Atlantic City.

Don't look
too hard for me.

We're going
to the Bahamas.

I just didn't say when.
Appreciate hearing about it
from that dope fiend.

I didn't want
to tell anybody.

Makes me feel great,

That guy sucks.
So do you!
