The Delta Force

OK, move.
Go, go. Move.
You just keep your hands
off my daughter.

On the floor.
David Rosovsky.
Mr Rosovsky, come to first class, please.
They're making a mistake.
They're making a mistake.
Mr Rosovsky, you move
or I shoot you right here.

But I am not Jewish. I'm American.
I came from Russia
but now I live in America.

I am Christian Orthodox. Ask them.
Sister, tell him I am not a Jew.
Father, don't you know me from Chicago?
- Move.
- Wait.

- This man is telling the truth.
- Sit down. We know what we are doing.

Sir, you are making a big mistake...
Sit down.
On the floor.
- He is telling the truth.
- We know what we are doing.

- Father. Where are you going?
- You. Come back.

- I said come back.
- No.

Sit down.
- What are you doing here?
- You called me.

- What is your name?
- William O'Malley.

- I did not call you.
- You called for all the Jews.

I'm Jewish, just like Jesus Christ.
You take one of us, you gotta take us all.
