The Delta Force

How long do we have to wait?
The General is waiting for
the go-ahead from the President.

I'm waiting for the go-ahead from him and
you're waiting for the go-ahead from me.

Meantime I'm going over to the terminal.
I wanna debrief any hostages that are
released - if and when any are released.

So you get out there, and get set.
- But wait for my signal.
- Got it.

OK, get rid of the box.
Move out.
Captain Rafai,
the flight from Athens has just landed.

Your comrade will be with you
any moment.

We expect you to release the women
and children without any more delays.

We shall keep our word
as promised, Mr Ambassador.

- Colonel, I'm gonna go to the plane.
- I'll wait here, Mr Ambassador.

You send back any hostage
from that plane that speaks English.

McCoy. Nobody moves until
all the women and children are safe.

All sections, acknowledge.
One, two and three.

I'm happy to see you again, brothers.
