I can't believe it.
Can you think of a reason
why she would do this?
None. Absolutely none.
They were completely happy together.
They have a wonderful little boy, Philippe,
whom they both adore.
Hélène was always so gentle.
It just doesn't make sense.
André loved two things:
his family and his work.
It's impossible!
- What is it, monsieur?
- The stroke count. That's the stroke count.
- I don't understand.
- Whoever did this to André...
It reads two. They did it twice!
- Twice?
- Oui, monsieur.
I heard the press come down two times.
- Evening, Monsieur François.
- François, mon ami. Is it true?
- Yes.
- Mais c'est impossible.
- Did Hélène...?
- Listen, I can't believe it.
Inspector, this is our family physician,
Dr Ejoute. Inspector Charas.
Your man called me.
Hélène told him, so I came.
- How is she?
- Quite calm now.
Almost in a state of euphoria, of relief,
as though she's happy about it.
- Is she insane, Doctor?
- Hélène could never have killed her husband.
It's impossible, unless she is or was insane.
- Did she tell you anything?
- Nothing, except she killed him and how.
No, nothing in her could make her do that.
Why, Inspector, I've known her all her life.
I even delivered her.
- She and André were devoted to each other.
- Where is Madame Delambre?
In the living room.
François, I'm sorry I called you. As you see,
I could have called the police myself.