The Golden Child

Welcome to the Mel Backman Journal.
I'm Mel Backman.

Wlth me today is Chandler Jarrell
who's doing something
very vital for the community.

Chandler is a finder of lost children.
Am I correct?

- Yes, I find missing children.
- That's very interesting.

There was a show called Finder
of Lost Loves. Did you see that?

- Tony Franciosa was the star.
- Yeah...

- I'm looking for this girl...
- I hope you're not nervous.

It's perfectly normal. This is
my fifth show and I'm still nervous.

In fact, is there anyone here
who's not nervous? Are you nervous?

I'm trying to find this girl, Cheryl Mosely,
who disappeared a while back...

This is wonderful. It's what
the programme is all about.

When I came here, I told them I didn't
want to be another Merv or Johnny.

I want to do the kind of programming
that's responsive to the community.

I'm trying to find Cheryl Mosely.
She's four foot, eleven...

This is wonderful.
