The Golden Child

- Rescue us from what?
- From ourselves.

He is the Bringer of Compassion.
If he dies, compassion will die with him.
If something happens to the kid,
the whole world goes to hell?

The world will become hell!
It's not far from that now!
Who would want to take the kid?

Those who want evil rather than good.
- Can you be more specific?
- We do not know who took him.

Could you tell me why
they are trying to make him eat blood?

Nothing in this world will hurt him.
But if he were to pollute himself
with anything impure,

he would become vulnerable.
OK. So if

If he eats the blood, they can kill him.
Do you have any other questions?
As a matter of fact I do.
What are you doing this weekend,
because your silhouette is kicking!

She plays the maraccas, too?
- This is the Chosen One?
- Yes...

You people put on a good show.
Where did you find her?

She's the librarian
at the Secret Repository at Palkor Sin.

She was flown here to help us.
She's over 300 years old.

- How did she manage that one?
- An ancestor was raped by a dragon.

Does that happen a lot
where you're from?

I'm sorry I got a little harsh.
Why don't you come up?

No, thank you.
