The Golden Child

Hey, bird!
Did you just see a little Hare Krishna
midget in a tree, floating?

Or is it me?
That must be Rod Serling.
- Yeah?
- Are you looking for Cheryl Mosely?

- Yeah.
- I know the bastards who grabbed her.

- Who was she with?
- Have you ever been in Pacoima?

- Yeah. Who was she with?
- Behind the freeway there's a house.

It's a pad for some bikers
called the Yellow Dragons.

She was with them last week.
She isn't there now.

Who is this? Hello?
- What is it?
- Nothing.

I came prepared
in case we had any other eventualities.

Listen, you wait here.
If there's a problem, you leave.
Now, what are you going to do?

- I'll stay here.
- No. You stay here now.

If there's a problem,
get behind the wheel and drive away.

- Understand me? You got that?
- Yes.

Stay... leave. OK.
