Highway to the danger zone.
Gonna take you
right into the danger zone.
Good morning, Scott.
Morning, Willis.
How are you?
Ghost Rider, this is strike.
We have unknown aircraft.
You're vector zero-nine-zero
for bogey.
Who's up there?
Cougar and Merlin
and Maverick and Goose.
Maverick and Goose.
Talk to me, Goose.
Roger. I got him.
Contact, 20 left at 30 miles.
Nine hundred knots closure.
Cougar, you hear that?
Merlin, you got him?
Roger. I've got radar contact.
I'll get a visual.
Cougar, you hook them.
Roger. And I'll clean them
and fry them. Ha ha.
Mustang, this is Ghost Rider.
I've got him inbound.
Bogey heading two-seven-zero
at 10 miles.
Nine hundred knots closure.
Ghost Rider,
take angels 10-left-three-zero.
Are we supposed to have
visitors today?
Negative, sir.
Merlin, see if he's alone.
Goose, you see a trailer?
Negative, Merlin.
Looks like he's a single.
I'm going head-to-head with him.
Take it easy, Maverick.
I don't like this shit.
I'm breaking high right
to see if he's really alone.