You are the top one percent
of all naval aviators.
The elite.
The best of the best.
We'll make you better.
You'll fly at least
two combat missions a day...
attend classes in between...
and evaluations
of your performance.
In each combat sequence...
you're gonna meet
a different challenge.
Every encounter is going
to be much more difficult.
We're gonna teach you
to fly the F-14...
right to the edge
of the envelope...
faster than
you've ever flown before...
and more dangerous.
Now, we don't make policy here,
Elected officials,
civilians do that.
We are the instruments
of that policy.
And although we're not at war...
we must always act
as though we are at war.
GOOSE: What are you doing?
MAVERlCK: Just wondering...
who's the best.
In case some of you wonder
who the best is...
they're up here on this plaque.
The best driver and his R.I.O.
from each class is on it.
And they have the option...
to return here
to be Top Gun instructors.
You think your name's
gonna be on that plaque?
Yes, sir.
That's arrogant, considering
the company you're in.
Yes, sir.
Just remember,
when it's over out there...
we're all on the same team.
this school is about combat.
There are no points
for second place.
Nice going.
The plaque for the alternates...
is down in the ladies' room.
[Overzealous laughter]
Oh, Jesus.
Oh, you kill me. You really do.