Lieutenant Mitchell...
Top Gun rules exist for your
safety and that of your team.
They are not flexible,
nor am l.
Either obey them,
or you are history.
Is that clear?
Yes, sir!
I really enjoyed that, Mav.
Thanks a lot.
Holy shit!
Maybe I could learn
how to be a truck driver.
You have the number
of that driving school on TV?
Truck Master, I think it is.
I might need that.
His fitness report says it all.
He's a wild card.
Flies by the seat of his pants.
Completely unpredictable.
He got you, didn't he?
I flew with his old man.
Tell me one thing.
If you had to go into battle,
would you want him with you?
JESTER: I don't know.
I just don't know.
Still awake?
What's up?
Can't sleep.
When I first realized
we were going to Top Gun...
all I could think about
was getting that trophy.
I gotta be
straight with you, Mav.
Right now,
I just hope we graduate.