Tough Guys

- Dairy products?
- Sometimes.

- Well, I eat nothing but roughage.
- Roughage?

It's like Drano.
Keeps the pipes clear.

Have some.
No, thanks. I don't want no Drano.
I want Scotch.

I take 20 vitamin
and mineral supplements a day.

- Really?
- Aerobics five times a week.

Staying young
is a serious business, Harry.

You know, Belle,
I'm beginning to think
that old is a dirty word.

- Well, nobody likes being old.
- I don't mind.

Mr Doyle, it is well past lights.
What's going on in here?
At the moment.
Harry, you're not gonna believe this.
I met a girl.
She can't keep her hands off me.

- How much did you pay her?
- I didn't have to pay her.

She's crazy about me.
All she wants to do is make love.

I gotta go, Harry.
Something just came up.

I got a call from Gladys Ripps
at the home today, Harry.

She said you were being
a disruptive influence.

She said that you refused
to eat your lunch

and that you made love to a woman.
Is that right, Harry?
You make love to women,
don't you, Richie?

Well, yeah, sure.
How come when you do it,
you're a stud,

and when I do it,
I'm a disruptive influence?

Because I'm 28, Harry.
Look, I understand how you feel.
Most people don't.
And if you want to fit into society,
you have to behave
in a way that is accepted.
