Tough Guys

You go ahead. Have a good time.
You look terrific.

I'll be fine.
You sure?
Sure, I'm sure.
Are you gonna be here
when I get back?

I don't think so.
Look, Skye, you're a swell kid,
but I gotta start acting my age.
I understand.
We did have a good time, though,
didn't we?

I wouldn't have missed it
for the world.

Hey, if you change your mind,
you know where to find me, huh?
This weekend marks the end of
an era as the G|old Coast Flyer,

pride of the Southern Pacific Railroad,
makes its final journey
into the pages of history.

For those of us
more familiar with air travel,

the G|old Coast Flyer
may not seem like much.

But for those who remember
a more relaxed time,

a ride on the Flyer
was something special.

Hey, don't turn that off.
That's the Gold Coast Flyer.

- Me and Archie robbed that train.
- Sure you did, pal.

Goddamn it, we did.
July 23, 1955. That's the day.

That's the last time anybody
robbed a train in this country.

- Take it easy, old-timer, I believe you.
- Old-timer, huh?
