Some mead.
Come to Daddy.
Thanks, son.
I might take you out
hunting trolls one day.
Roskva, Thor said
he might take me hunting.
Sif, they're crying.
So I hear.
They are teething. You know that.
- Can't you do something?
- Yes, my love.
Let's eat.
- Hello, my dear friends.
- Loki... In time for dinner, as usual.
- What is that?
- I Don't know. He followed me home.
I met some extraordinary people.
- Trolls and giants, I suppose.
- I leaned some amazing tricks.
- It's pure magic.
- Magic?
- Have you been at Utgardsloki's?
- I simply must show you this.
- Loki, control your little friend.
- Yes, yes. Now...
I take an apple, a few rose leaves,
and abracadabra...