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Valhalla (Old Norse Valhöll, "Hall of the slain") is Odin's hall in Norse mythology, the home for those slain gloriously in battle, (known as Einherjar), who are welcomed by Bragi and escorted to Valhalla by the valkyries. The main gate is called Valgrind which is described in Grímnismál as a "sacred gate" behind which are the "holy doors" and "there are few who can tell the manner by which it is locked". The hall itself has five hundred and forty doors, so wide that eight hundred warriors could walk next to each other, walls made of spears, a roof made of shields and benches covered with breastplates. It is said that there is room enough for all those chosen. Here, every day, the slain warriors who will assist Odin in Ragnarök, the gods' final conflict with the giants, arm themselves for battle, and ride forth by the thousands to engage in mock combat on the plains of Asgard. At night they return to Valhalla to feast on roasted boar and drink intoxicating mead. Those who do not get to Valhalla end up in the home of the dead (Hel), a place beneath the underworld (Niflheim), or one of various other places. Those who are lost at sea, for example, are taken to Ægir's hall at the bottom of the sea.
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:00:01 Çeviren: Elfarran & wintermute
:00:10 Dinle...
:00:13 Rüzgar bir hikaye anlatýyor.
Çok uzun zaman önce, Yggdrasil, Hayat Aðacý,
dünyanýn merkezinden yükselirken -
:00:19 - yaþanmýþ bir hikaye.
:00:25 Asgard'da, viking tanrýlarýnýn diyarýnda.
:00:31 Tek gözlü Odin, tanrýlarýn hükümdarý -
:00:35 - ve gökgürültüsü tanrýsý kudretli Thor yaþardý.
:00:44 Asgard'ýn dört bir yanýndan gelen tanrýlar burada,
Valhalla'da, -
:00:51 - kalelerin en büyüðünde toplanýrdý.
:00:55 Tanrýlar burada onlara güç ve yaþam veren-
:00:59 - ölümlülerin ibadetlerini kabul ederlerdi.
:01:03 Odin üç dünyayý da Valhalla'dan izlerdi -
:01:07 - ve haber toplamalarý için
:01:12 kuzgunlarýný yollardý uzaklara.
:01:20 Utgard diyarýnda -
:01:23 - insanlarýn dev adýný verdikleri troll ýrký -
:01:28 - karanlýðýn ve kaosun efendileri yaþardý...
:01:33 Utgard'ýn ardýnda Midgard yatardý,
insanlarýn diyarý;
:01:39 Gururlu vikinglerin ve üretken çiftçilerin yurdu.
:01:43 Zaman zaman tanrýlar insan inananlarýný -
:01:47 - ziyaret etmeye Midgard'a gelirlerdi.