Varjoja paratiisissa

What's that?
Supermarket's cashbox,
but it's locked.

Show me. Is there money in it?
Yes. How much? -How should I know?
I can't get it open.

Wait, don't do a thing.
All you ever gave me
Was sorrow and pain

But that's alright,
I can hide my ache.

I won't let people know
For if you leave me now

My heart will cry
But it mustn't show.

What shall I do with the money?
There's too much of it,
you'll have to give it back.

It was revenge.
It's the third job
I've been thrown out of this year.

I wanted to go to Florida
but I missed the plane.

Anyway, I couldn't get the box open.
My aunt's been to Florida -
all she saw was some Finns
and Donald Ducks.

They must know I took it.
-I'll take care of that.

That would be great.
