Like they do in greenhouses,
to keep out the sun. It's the correct thing.
- It won't be that hot, surely!
- Well, I don't know.
They say the one at Hiroshima
was equal to one thousand suns.
So it is quite hot.
And besides, the powers that be
are making much better ones now.
Science has leaped forward with giant strides.
Mind you don't get paint on those curtains,
You should have taken them down first.
You never think.
I know that smile of yours, James.
"Keep doors closed
to prevent the spread of fire", it says.
- But you've taken off half the doors, James.
- Yes, dear.
Won't that make the fire worse, then?
Well, I er...
Perhaps the blast will blow the fire out.
Well... Hm!
The inner core or refuge looks quite cosy,
doesn't it, dear?
I hope those doors aren't marking the wallpaper,
Come in and try it out, dear. Please.
Whoa! Careful! Careful!
You'll have it over!
Budge up, can't you, James?
Couldn't you have made it a bit...wider?
It's er... It's constructed in compliance
with the governmental specifications, dear.
Well, they might have made it
wide enough for two people.
Suppose you were married?
- We are married, dear.
Yes, well there you are, then.
What about if you had children?
Where would they go?
Oh, well, you'd just hold them in your arms.
They'd soon fall asleep.
Suppose they were 17 or 18?
Big boys with bristly chins and big boots on.
Well, in that case, you'd er...
just add a few more doors.