When the Wind Blows

"OK, you guys! Let's go!"
They'd razzor the Russky defences to the ground.
Then the marines would parachute in
and round up the population.

After that, the big generals would go over -
like er... lke and Monty.

Then the Russians would capitulate,
and there would be a condition of surrender.

Then they'd instil free and fair elections.
One man, one vote.
And women too, nowadays, of course.
And thus, the Communist threat
to the Free Worid would be neutrified,

and democratic principles
would be instilled throughout Russia,

whether they liked it or not.
That's the worid scenario as I see it,
at this moment in time.

Monty. Wasn't he in the war?
- Well, of course he was.

He practically won it.
You remember, dear.
Big beret with badges on it.
Tanks. The Desert Rats. RI Alamo.
But that was ages ago, dear.
Yes, well, I expect he's getting on a bit.
Probably been promoted.
More likely dead.
Monty dead? Never!
I'll bet he is.
It's about 40 years since the war.

And he had a moustache then!
Who's in charge now, then?
Oh, one of those commuters, I expect.
It says here,
"Place your National Savings Certificates,

medical cards and birth certificates in a box."
Here's a nice box, dear.
I'll give it a good clean-out.

Oh, thanks.
We'd er... better keep it in a safe place.
I wonder what would be a safe place.
Who's in charge of the Russians, dear?
Oh er... it's er...
Shavinsky, isn't it?
Or... Molotov.
