I wonder if it's all right to have eyeholes.
They say it's the correct thing to wear white.
People in Hiroshima with patterned clothes
got burned where the pattern was,
and not so much on the white bits.
Even the buttons showed up.
Yes, but they were Japanese.
Is there a clean white shirt, dear,
ready for the bomb?
You're not going to wear that nice new one
I gave you for Christmas!
I don't want that spoiled.
You can wear your old clothes for the bomb
and save the best for afterwards.
All right, dear.
Well, is there an old white one, without stripes?
I don't want stripes all over me.
I've never heard such nonsense.
We didn't think what colour clothes we had on
in the war.
Lucky to have any clothes at all,
with everything on coupons.
We interrupt this programme
for an official government announcement.
An enemy missile attack has been launched
against this country.
- It is estimated that the missiles
will arrive in approximately three minutes.
Three minutes.
God almighty, ducks!
There's only three minutes to go!
Oh, dear. I'll just put the washing on.
Come back, you stupid bitch,
and get in the shelter!
- How dare you talk to me like that, James!
- Shut up and get in!
There's no need to forget our manners
just because there's a war on.
Shut up! I'm trying to listen!
Take shelter immediately.
- I've never heard such language in all my life.
- For God's sake, shut up!
Oh, dear! I've left the oven on!
Get in! Get in! Get in!
The cake will be burned!
Lie down. Keep away from windows.
Cover your head and eyes.
- Do not look at the sky or through windows.
Take shelter immediately.
Repeat: Stay indoors.
Do not leave your home.