If it is all over, I wish I knew who'd won.
We can't have lost the war, can we, James?
We won the other two.
No, of course not.
Remember old Churchill?
"We will never surrender."
Yes, but Churchill's not prime minister now,
Er... no. Well er... of course not.
I suppose it won't be the same without er...
with old whatshisname, will it?
Who is it, anyway?
I must check the emergency supplies list.
We never had time to finish it.
It says here, "...a notebook for messages."
Who are you going to write messages to, dear?
Well, you never know. There's always a need
for vital messages in wartime.
Our lives might depend on a vital message
getting through to headquarters.
Oh, I see, dear.
- And it says, "...a whistle and gong for alarm."
- Oh, what will you do with that, dear?
Well, if I saw a Russky coming down the lane,
I'd bang the gong. If we had one.
- Wouldn't he shoot you, dear?
- What, just for banging a gong?
He'd be well within his rights to shoot you
if there's a war on.
Oh, crumbs! You really think so?
Just for banging a gong?
- I'm glad we haven't got a gong.
- We've got a whistle.
- Have we? Where is it?
- I'm not sure.
Hm. Never mind.
Let's leave it. Let's leave it.