Crumbs! Look at the door!
The paint's all gone.
Scorched down to the wood.
Never mind, dear.
You said you'd burn it off one day.
The leaves have all gone off the apple tree,
Oh, yes! What a shame!
Still, it'll be lovely in the spring.
It is spring, dear.
Oh! Listen!
A dog!
Oh, poor thing!
I expect he's hungry.
The heat has affected the hedge, love.
- The beans look a bit shrivelled.
- And I think the lettuce have evaporated.
Well, they do have a high water content.
- Can you see any fallout falling out, James?
- No, the sun is trying to get through.
They didn't blow up the sun, thank goodness.
Oh, no, dear. Science is still in its infancy.
What does the fallout look like, dear?
I don't know.
The er...government directive
neglects to mention
how the populous could recognise it.
I expect it's a bit like snow, ducks. Only greyer.
The grass looks a funny colour.
Yes, I'll pop down to Mr Sponge's tomorrow
and get some bone meal and dried blood.
He might be closed due to the bomb, dear.
What, old Sponge?
Miss a day's trade? Not him! He'd rather die!
It's very cloudy. Almost foggy.
We need some sun to bring the garden on.
- The milkman's not been yet. He's late.
- Oh, well, that's logical.
He's bound to be a bit late after the bomb.
Perhaps he's been called up to fight,
or something.
Oh, yes. Well er... maybe.
But they'd have got a woman or something.