Wise Guys

It's the guy in the next stall.
- I'm getting out of here.
- No.

Don't talk me into this. You always
talk me into things that are no good.

Don't talk me into this one.
I know it's no good for me.

Moe, you're wrong.
This one is good for you.

- For once in your life, open up. Go for it.
- I can't.

Come on, there's 10 horses running
in this race.

Castelo's horse is going off at 25-1.
It ain't got a chance.
Let's put this $ 10,000 on My Baby to win.
Or do you wanna die in Newark?
I'd like to place a bet on My Baby.
A thousand dollars, 10 times to win, please.

At number nine is My Baby.
That is the field for the second race.

Where the hell did you go?
- I went to buy a pack of cigarettes.
- When did you start smoking again?

- What are you doing? What's that for?
- Luck.

- You said we didn't need luck.
- You always need luck. I'll buy you a beer.

Let me have a beer. Two beers, please.
Don't worry about it.
Relax, will you? You're all tense.

- How you doing?
- I'm fine. Fine.

This is to my buddy...
...and My Baby.
The flag is up.
- We're gonna be okay.
- And they're off.

On the outside, My Baby easily gains
the early lead.

Moe. Moe, look at that beautiful
son of a bitch.

Look, it broke out in front, Moe.
Look at the stride on that baby.

- Look at that beautiful thing. Go, go, go.
- I don't believe this. I don't believe it.

Hey, I got $ 10,000 on this race!
