Wise Guys

...I would rest easier knowing
that Lil was being taken care of.

What's the matter, Harry?
- I got something in my shoe.
- I have a wonderful policy, Harry.

- How about you? You got life insurance?
- Yeah, I got it.

That's good to know.
What are you doing?
- Tying my shoe.
- It's tied. Come on, let's go.

- Where you going, Harry?
- Down here. This alley's the scenic route.

Moe, there are some things
I gotta get off my chest.

- Here?
- You know I love you, Moe.

- I know.
- More than my own brother.

- You don't have a brother.
- We really fucked up yesterday.

- We really did.
- I just want you to know how bad I feel.

I want you to know I forgive you
for all the trouble you ever got me into.

- I love you, Moe.
- I love you too, Harry.

Life is so short.
Prophetic, Moe. Very prophetic.
- This is all my fault.
- That's what I keep thinking.

- What the fuck does that mean?
- It is your fault, if you think about it.

- You were in on it every step of the way.
- You talked me into the whole thing.

- You were there when we made the bet!
- Moe!

Shut up! Come on. Come on over here.
We gotta talk. Now.

What are you standing there for?
I said, I gotta talk to you.

Not here. We'll go around the corner
to St. Lucy's. Come on.

Come on. We got no time to waste.
Hurry up.
